Re: (idm) Reynolds' most overrated music of 1998 (IDM, anyone?)

From Rodney Perkins
Sent Thu, Apr 8th 1999, 21:52

The "geektronica" piece seems to encompass everything I *dislike* about 
Simon Reynolds. In his world, electronic music is some sort of group therapy
thats meaningless outside of the context of club culture (dancing, getting
smashed, blah). Individual expression and community based on a *sincere
interest in music* (not anonymous commingling, dope taking or class
politics) is what he finds worrisome.

>> Momus recently suggested that rather
>> than everybody being famous for 15 minutes, in the future everybody will be
>> famous for 15 people. That's what it's getting like, and that's why we
>> should be getting worried.
> the bulk of the text is all right until that one.  i mean, the guy's
> basically not saying anything other than that idmsters have good taste
> in packaging.  the worry issue disturbs me, though.  the whole point
> behind underground music is that it allows people to make music _without
> being famous_.  i think that's a great thing.
> maybe some people will feel unconfortable unless the cd they buy has
> been heard by millions already, but so long as other people want to hear
> those idm bedroom tracks, what's wrong with them?
> i can't get myself to understand what _is_ the matter for worry.  i
> guess sharon maher is right; the guy has the creeps because this is
> getting too confusing for the regular music press to follow.  which is
> fine by me; they should do their work for once, rather than repeat press
> kits verbatim in what they call "record reviews".
> see?  even an idmster can rant!  down with the idiots!  ahem.