(idm) Re: Why Does Everyone Like The Beach Boys

From lwtcdi
Sent Wed, Jan 28th 1998, 02:00

Greg Earle wrote:

> (Not to flog this dead horse into the ground, but you better bet your ass that
>  The Beatles, The Stones and The Who all rushed out to get every Beach Boys
>  album that came out as soon as it hit the shelves ... both The Beatles and
>  The Stones have said that "Pet Sounds" *massively* influenced them - namely
>  "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" & "Their Satanic Majesties Request" -
>  and The Who used to regularly cover "Barbara Ann" in their shows from the '66
>  to '68 period)

I respect your respect, but I think you've got to take into account that
not all people (especially the younger generation) worship at the altar
of The Beatles, The Stones and The Who, and therefore the fact that said
bands loved the Beach Boys and bought all their records means less than
nothing to people such as myself who do not hold Sargeant Pepper et al
in high regard.

/TheW   i  http://www.homeusers.prestel.co.uk/lwtcdi/all/  
f   o L D  
o dlr WTC     "Let's decompose and enjoy assembling!"