Re: (idm) "Essex Fobbie"

From Moonlight
Sent Tue, Apr 13th 1999, 03:38

Well, someone lied to aphexstart on 26.09.98 saying that they had made both
"Essex Fobbie" (whish was an obvious fake...look at the geography) and
"windowlicker" (which to me was obviously authentic or done by some other
great musician, no one would try to pass that as RDJ, would they?).
They guy who said he did it (he said both were quite simple) called himself
Mark Brocklehurst.  The URL is
The article is about 45% of the way down.

At 04:39 PM 4/12/99 -0400, you wrote:
>        Since the new Aphex Twin single has come out & it's completely clear now
>that the "Essex Fobbie" song is not on it & that the song was a joke, I'm
>wondering if the person who supplied it would be willing to say who really
>made it & where it came from.

np: Peter Thomas "Warp Back to Earth"

Adam Roesch /
Augsburg College / Minneapolis / MN / USA

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