Re: [AH] Emu Emulator I repair, worth it?

From Florian Anwander
Sent Sat, Jul 21st 2018, 23:24

Cause: Powersupply.
Worth the repair: depends on the damage, that the broken powersupply 
caused further on.

Am 21.07.18 um 23:07 schrieb James R. Coplin:
> I have a line on an Emulator I that currently isn’t working. Turns on. Front panel appears to work. I can load a sound and the drive runs. However, the only output is a loud hum on all the audio jacks.
> Anyone have any thoughts or opinion on what I should pay for this thing (if anything) and what the likelihood of the trouble being deep in the digital bits which puts it into the hard to diagnose realm for me.
> James