Re: [AH] Re: outboard filters

From Kenny Balys
Sent Thu, Jul 19th 2018, 06:18

Ah!!! Duh.... I see now. You can have a mono source in and then split
the twin filters into stereo.

Its a bit of a hack though yes?

On 19.07.18 05:58 , Kenny Balys wrote:
> It will? I always thought they were mono. So the basic one is 2 channels?
> On 19.07.18 04:58 , Jason Proctor wrote:
>> you don't need two Filterbanks, just one will happily do stereo.
>> On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 7:33 PM, Kenny Balys <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Doepfer has a quad VCF coming soon that eat your problem for breakfast.
>>     A-105-4 Quad Poly VCF
>>     Its still in preliminary design stage but its on my list.
>>     I want a single panel 4 voice polysynth and I am getting it!
>>     Also, no one said it, but everyone is thinking it.... why not blow your
>>     budget to smithereens and get the dual Sherman Filterbank.
>>     No one ever asks why someone got a Sherman.