Re: (idm) phthalo prices

From cardhore
Sent Wed, Mar 24th 1999, 02:16

>Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 07:24:59 GMT
>From: xxxxxx@xxx-xxx-xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx (little miss trinitron)
>Subject: Re: (idm) phthalo prices
>so yes, cdr releases can generate a lot of profit, but for some people
>(like me) that profit is the only possible way to collect together
>enough money to take a step up the ladder (that's to say, 'proper' cds
>in larger numbers and with distribution).  you're never going to do
>that if you sell your releases non-profit.

my sentiments exactly.  
the generalizations here are flying all over the place...
there most certainly ARE cd-r labels interested in
keeping the prices for their discs low... for anyone to 
write off the concept of a cd-r label prima fascia because 
of what dimitri does or because they're afraid that in 40 
years their cd won't play seems ridiculous... especially when
there *are* labels completely to the contrary.  and i don't
think anyone, with the sole exception of dimitri (who is an
ANOMALY, plain and simple) is seriously interested in
making big bucks off of cd-r releases and never "step up
the ladder."
personally, my intent is to get some music out that otherwise
would not be heard and try and at the same time furnish a 
little capital for "proper" releases for the artists i work with 
and enjoy... keeping my releases inexpensive is my second
priority behind keeping the music good.  the whole philosophy,
to me, is for Bobby Idmer to say: "well lookee here, a cd of
music by a fellow listmember.  and hey!  it's 74 minutes long.
and hey!  it's only 10 bucks.  and hey!  it's got handmade packaging.
and hey!  Lance gave it a 9/10!  what do i have to lose here?  i'll
be getting some new music and supporting someone who's
interested in releasing the music of my fellow listmembers!"


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