Re: (idm) Wagon Christ "There's Not Enough Space In This Track"

From Howard Shih
Sent Thu, Feb 4th 1999, 17:11

On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Marc 3 Poirier wrote:

>    Does anyone know what the deal is with Wagon Christ's song "There's Not
> Enough Space In This Track?"  He played it on some radio show that he DJed
> for before "Tally Ho!" came out & announced that it was a song from that
> album, but it's not on my copy of "Tally Ho!"  Maybe it is only on the
> vinyl version, but if not, does anyone know if the song ever came out?  All
> I have is the MP3 of it from the Phat Luke Nightmare web site.
> Marc Poirier

I asked Luke about this and he said there was some sort of problem
with sample clearances for the track. Which is too damn bad 'cause I
really like the track!
