Re: (idm) Re: no Xmas for John Cage

From solenoid
Sent Fri, Aug 27th 1999, 09:12

Is your subject title a reference to The Fall?..

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, R. Lim wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, elk bot wrote:
> To my knowledge, Cage never went the nihilistic/cynic route and said

for instance, "Indeterminacy" is far from cynical; it is lively and
humorous... no where near brooding nihilism...

> I always thought of the Fluxus "composers" as having taken Cage's ideas to
> their most extreme, ridiculous (and non-musical) conclusions.  And God
> bless 'em for it.  Sample score paraphrase (for a piece called "Polish",
> can't remember its author off hand): take a violin and polish it.  

Extreme, yes.  I have a Fluxus record from '89 or so that has a 30year old
recording of Yoko Ono's toilet flushing ...

> who's-who of performers and I can't imagine why it wouldn't be considered
> to be wall-to-wall listenable (even pleasurable) by a crowd raised on
> Autechre.

Aphex's new music-box track is not unlike some of the jilted layering that
Cage did of recordings of his own peices for Toy Piano.  Cage was very
humorous, after all, he recorded notation of Satie's stuff when in school.
That would be like taking composition lessons from Tom Leher or Victor
Borge....  !
